
Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
— Psalm 103:1

We Want YOU!

At the 101st International Assembly, we’re approaching worship a little differently and we want YOU to be a part of it!

Throughout the Assembly the Mass Choir will be leading worship and providing special music. This means your participation is key! The Bible tells us to use our gifts to encourage one another… why not use your gift to be an encouragement to the Assembly delegates this year?

Here’s the PLAN!

Leading the 101st International Assembly in worship will require some work. Here’s how we plan to accomplish this…

  • Music for you to learn will be provided via this website on a password-protected page. Sign up using this form to get your password and link to the page.

  • Please be diligent in learning your part ahead of the Assembly.

  • On-site rehearsal at Rosen Shingle Creek will begin on Tuesday, July 7th at 10AM. We suggest traveling on Monday so you’re sure to be on time.

  • We will also be rehearsing daily at 1PM to ensure we are ready for the evening session.

  • If you’re unable to make the rehearsal on Tuesday, July 7th - DON’T PANIC! You can still be involved. Just be sure to listen and be familiar with your part in advance and attend the daily on-site rehearsal at 1PM.

  • For the complete Assembly Choir schedule, click here.

It’s that EASY!

Our heart for this Assembly is to not only provide a Spirit-filled worship experience, but to be a blessing to you! We pray that your time participating in the Assembly music will encourage you in your local church with new ideas, times of prayer specifically for your ministry, and new relationships with other singers and musicians from around the world.

Got questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

Ready to get going? Sign up here.

Thank you for being a part of this year’s Assembly music!